Know What You Are Planting!

April 1, 2020


As spring is right around the corner we all know the challenges we can face with getting the crop planted, but in 2020 it has never been more important to know what seed traits you are planting. With 6 different trait packages available to choose from communication is key in making sure the right herbicide is applied to the correct soybeans. We are not asking you to understand all the different modes of action with these chemicals but for us to better serve you, it all starts with making sure we know what soybeans got planted where.

We are recommending that if a grower chooses a certain trait platform that all the soybeans they plant are that SAME trait.

Also, we would like your help in communicating with your neighbors on all your fields to see what trait package of soybeans they are planting around your fields. You might ask why this is critical?  With some of the EPA regulations on certain chemicals there could be added buffers or certain wind directions that we may need to follow to be in compliance with the EPA label.

If you do not purchase your seed from one of our three locations we ask you either save the bag tag or send your agronomist a picture of the bag tag so we can identify the herbicide trait of those soybeans.

It is an exciting time in the soybean industry with all of these options available but WE ALL need to be good stewards and do our part to make sure these traits are around for years to come.